Become a Patron

Become a Patron and gain access to our “I Believe in Love” book study

We thank you for your support!

Please prayerfully consider becoming a partner in our mission through your support! 

What is our mission? 

We are striving to set the world on fire - to set hearts on fire with the love of God. We hope to do this by being witnesses of God's love in the world, helping others to draw near to the Lord and to one another.

God’s plan is much bigger than anything we could imagine. We hope to one day build a retreat center with an active ministry apprenticeship focused on mentorship, formation, and holiness.

As St. Therese of Lisieux made clear, what the Lord inspires he surely makes possible. Your prayers and support are the means of making it all possible by God’s grace. We are so very thankful for you joining us in prayer, and of course, for your support.